Sabtu, 09 Juli 2011

Kumpulan Distro Di Bandung

18th Park Jl. Riau 18 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 70653323
Office : (+62-22) 7100034

Jl. Riau 106 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 70718695
Office : (+62-22) 4236880

Komp. Komp. Ujung Berung Indah 10 Bandung
Phone : (+62-22) 7807164

Jl. Dulatip 68B Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 70720370
Office : (+62-22) 4209594

Jl. Trunojoyo 23 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 91124948

Evil Army
Jl. Sultan Agung 5
Information : (+62-22) 4265106

Jl. Jatiwangi Raya 11 Antapani Bandung

Jl. Buah Batu 62 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 70372226

Romantic Silver
Jl. Trunojoyo 23 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 4221124

Jl. Banda 23 Bandung

Mozie Framework
Jl. Bola Keranjang 8 Arcamanik Bandung

Jl. Trunojoyo 23 Bandung

Flames & The Love Conspiracy Inc.
Jl. Cidurian Utara 203 Bandung

Jl. Pasir Suci Barat 16 Ciwastra Buah Batu Bandung

Jl. Sari Asih II/2 Bandung

Jl. Pager Gunung 13 Bandung

Dobujack Invasion
Jl. Plered 2/19 Antapani Bandung

Jl. Sultan Agung 3 Bandung

Jl. Merak 4 Bandung

Monster Industries
Jl. Bukit Dago Selatan 11 Bandung

Jl. Geusanulum 1 Sultan Agung Bandung

Wake Clothes
Jl. Sunda 93A Bandung

Jl. Sukarajin II Gg. Sastrodiharjo VI 1 Bandung

Kenari Fabrics Outlet
Jl. Kenari 14 Bandung

Jl. Trunojoyo 8 Bandung

Jl. Merdeka 68 Bandung

Cihampelas Walk, Young Street SG-28 Bandung

Jl. Permata Kopo A62 Bandung

Jl. Buah Batu 159 Bandung

Ouval Research
Jl. Buah Batu No.64 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 7306697

Black Jack
Jl. Trunojoyo 19 Bandung

Jl. Cibeunying Kolot 84 Cigadung Selatan Bandung

Jl. Dipatiukur 1 Bandung

Jl. Trunojoyo 23 Bandung

Airplane System
Jl. Aceh 44 Bandung
Information : (+62-22) 4210092

Jl. Trunojoyo 4 Bandung

Post Clothing Co.
Jl. Dipatiukur 43 Bandung

Black ID
Jl. Belitung 3 Bandung

Brand Rvltn
Jl. Pelindung Hewan 15 Lt. III Bandung

Jl. Trunojoyo 23 Bandung

Jail Body Inside
Jl. Batununggal Indah Raya I/10 Bandung

Anti Beauty
Jl. Trunojoyo 6 Bandung

Little Sweet
Jl. Dr. Setiabudi 135 Bandung

Kamis, 07 Juli 2011

Daemon Tool

Bingung buka format *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.cue, *.nrg, *.pdi, *.isz; juga bingung seh ..mau di buka pake apaan ya tuh format...pake kunci inggris ? ga mungkin kan ? apa pake obeng ? ntah apalah itu hahahahaha (sdikit basa/i wkwkwkwk).tapi tenang aja google kan ga selebar daun kangkung heee ,,di situ banyak informasi2 yang qta inginkan.

Berhubung waktu itu gw ke bingungan buka format 'nrg' setelah gw download game Need For speed Underground 2..akhirnya gw ubek2 tuh google n' ketemu deh dengan yang namanya DAEMON TOOL yang dimana dengan DAEMON TOOL tersebut bisa membuka format seperti yang gw sebutkan di postingan bagian atas tadi

Disamping itu juga xan dapat membuat cadangan fisik CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray ke "disk virtual" atau disebut "disk image" file, yang berjalan secara langsung pada hard drive xan. xan juga dapat bekerja dengan gambar yang dibuat oleh program pembakaran lainnya! Daemon Tools mendukung berbagai jenis gambar. Menggunakan CD / DVD converter gambar untuk memiliki satu format gambar ,di Katalog Gambar xan! 

kelebihan DAEOMON TOOL ;

- Emulasikan virtual CD / DVD-ROM / HD DVD dan Blu-ray drive

memungkinkan xan untuk meniru sampai 4 CD / DVD virtual drive pada PC. Virtual drive akan muncul di OS xan . Pilih virtual drive kemudian pilih gambar disk xan low ingin me-mount. Cari virtual drive yang dibuat dengan gambar disk dipasang di My Computer.

-  Buat gambar disk 

xan dapat membuat ISO dan file gambar MDS dari cakram asli,yang dimasukkan dalam fisik CD / DVD / HD DVD / Blu-ray drive. Atau gunakan gambar yang telah xan buat sebelumnya, dengan program lainnya. karna Daemon Tools  bekerja dengan berbagai jenis gambar.

tampilan Daemon Tool

 Jika dari xan ada yang kebingungan buka format  *.b5t, *.b6t, *.bwt, *.ccd, *.cdi, *.cue, *.nrg, *.pdi, *.isz; seperti yang pernah gw alamin .silahkan lansung aja sedooot DAEMON TOOL nya ..


ok.mungkin hanya segitu yang gw bisa share ..low ada kekurangan tentang postingan ini..sebelumnya gw minta maaf..maklum masih newbie niy wkwkwkwkw.. salam bloger

Rabu, 06 Juli 2011


Bosen dengan tampilan Icon dekstop Pc/laptop xan ? pengen sesuatu yang  baru ? hmmm !!!! hanya dengan pasang software stardock ini di Pc/laptop xan,So,xan akan merasakan sesuatu hal yang baru di sini (emangnya pacar aja yang harus baru,ya ngga ? :D) percaya ? gw aja ga percaya !!! hehehe becanda dink,,

Stardock  ini sarat dengan pilihan.  dapat hidup pada salah satu dari empat sisi monitor xan,xan juga dapat mengaturnya untuk selalu berada di atas, di bawah, Autohide, atau yang selalu hadir. Hal ini dilengkapi dengan lebih dari 20 kulit; font dan warna yang sepenuhnya disesuaikan, seperti perintah ikon, dan xan dapat memilih ikon yang ditampilkan, independen dari ikon aktual program. RocketDock penerbit ini juga tumbuh komunitas di sekitar program, dan situs Web app memiliki area di mana xan dapat men-download lebih ikon, widget,  untuk meningkatkan dan lebih menyesuaikan pengalaman xan..keren kaaan ? kasih contoh.seperti gambar berikut ;

 Salah satu kelemahan dari program ini low menurut gw seh bahwa menu pengaturan utama tidak jelas ada di mana, untuk menambahkan dan mengkonfigurasi tambahan ini. Sebaliknya, n untuk mengatur dari stardock ini bisa  diakses dari menu pengaturan sekunder yang tersedia hanya dengan mengklik kanan pada mouse xan  itu sendiri...N' atur deh sesuai keinginan xan 


Sabtu, 02 Juli 2011

Faststone Screen Capture + Serial Number

  Setelah menyelam di berbagai lautan google akhirnya ku menemukan software ringan (Krupuuk kalee) yang satu ini niy,,tau ga ? apaan hayoooo ? yups 100 buat xan hehehe ,Fastone Screen Capture,salah satu software buat pengambilan gambar atau yang di sebut  screenshoot.yang memungkinkan xan menangkap gambar apapun di dalam layar pc/laptop xan,dengan sangat simple

Sebenarnya hampir semua komputer atau laptop mempunyai fasilitas yang namanya: Print+Screen atau prt src di sebelah kanan atas biasanya pada keyboard.,kalau boleh gw saran (sedikit maksa heee) ga ada salah nya juga xan coba yang satu ini..byar ga penasaran aja hehehe jadi bisa membedakan n lebih nyamanan mana antara screen capture bawan pc/laptop dan  Faststone Screen Capture

berikut kelebihan dari Faststone Screen Capture ;

software ini sangat sederhana, ringan dan siap menunggu digunakan sewaktu waktu, sekali sudah diluncurkan. Ia akan berada float di bagian atas layar komputer/laptop xan n siap digunakan.\

- Mempunyai image editor sendiri, sehingga tidak perlu lagi memanggil Fireworks atau Photoshop xan untuk melakukan pengeditan gambar hasil Capture seperti yang biasanya xan lakukan jika secara manual melakukannya dengan fasilitas Print Screen yang ada di komputer .  
Mempunyai beberapa pilihan mudah, yaitu print bagian dari layar atau halaman website, seluruh tampilan layar, seluruh tampilan layar yang di scroll, atau bahkan melakukan screen capture dengan menggambar ( freehand ), atau mengambil screen capture berupa segiempat yang bisa xan tentukan sendiri besarnya. Wah keren banget euy

- cuman sayang nya software tersebut Mempunyai 30 hari free trial untuk xan coba, dan jika suka xan hanya perlu berbayar hanya dengan $19 saja.,,eits !!!!! ga usah khawatir apa lagi ampe mau bunuh diri gitu ntar gw yang di salahkan lagi wkwkwkw,,,gw tau xan kpengen yang gratis tis tis tissss kan...? sama donk kyk gw hahahaha,,,niy gw kasih Faststone Screen Capture + Serial Number, Silahkan langsung sedot aja

                                              (((((((    DOWNLOAD   )))))))

VLC Media Free Download

  Tiada hari tanpa posting niy hehehe ..low ga posting ngapain bikin blog ,ya ngga ? hohohoho..sebenarnya sudah lama juga seh  pengen posting yang satu ini da waktu gw. (jiaaah so sibuk banget gw padahal mah yaaa gitu deeh wkwkwkwkw)

ok dari pada xan nunggu klamaan baca kata2 ga penting dari gw hehehehe tau niy pasti di benak  xan (ni orang apaan seh ga penting banget).hayooooo pada ngaku hehehe becanda dink

Langsung aja deh menuju TKP >>

Pada postingan x ini gw maw  berbagi salah satu software VLC Media yang di mana dengan  media player ini memiliki kelebihan yang luar biasa. Meski tampilan yang sangat teramat simple namun kekuatan dan power untuk memainkan semua jenis video dan audio tidak diragukan. Belum lagi software media player gratisan ini dapat digunakan di Multi OS, Windows, Linux, Mac, Unix.
Ini merupakan software media player favorite gw untuk urusan memutar file video segala macam format

Pasti pada penasaran kan,kelebihanya apa saja seh ?


VLC memiliki fitur dasar untuk DVD ripper xan mungkin tidak pernah menggunakannya karena banyak DVD ripper dengan kemampuan lebih banyak terdapat di internet. Namun jika xan tidak mau ribet download software lagi, tidak ada salahnya mencoba fitur DVD ripper di VLC ini

  Cara menggunakan DVD ripper di VLC dapat dilakukan lewat menu Media -  Convert/Save, lalu klik pada Tab Disc.


Dengan VLC baru, xan dapat merekam video saat video dimainkan.  Tombol rekam tersembunyi secara default.  Untuk membuka , klik pada View - Advanced Control.  Tombol record akan muncul


VLC dapat memainkan file video yang di kompress di dalam RAR. Meski file Video di pecah menjadi beberapa bagian seperti part001.rar, aplikasi ini masih dapat memainkannya, masukkan file sisanya ke palylist maka VLC akan memutar file Video di RAR tersebut dengan lancar.


Dalam VLC xan dapat mengkonversi file video dan audio dari satu format ke format yang lain.  Beberapa format yang didukung seperti MP4, WMV, AVI, OGG, MP3, dll. dapat Untuk mengakses converter buka Media – Convert/Save.

 Buka file yang akan dikonversi dengan menggunakan tombol Add dan klik Convert. Lalu pilih format output dan lokasi file output. Lalu klik Start.


VLC media player memiliki kemampuan yang unik , anda dapat memutar video dengan mode ASCII.  Untuk mengaktifkan modus ASCII, buka VLC media player dan klik Tools - Preferences.  Buka bagian "Video" pada bagian Output pilih "Color ASCII art video output" dari drop down menu.  Lalu klik save .  Sekarang xan akan memainkan file video dengan tampilan ASCII.

Jika Masih Pada Penasaran Niy Download Aja >>>  VLC MEDIA


Senin, 27 Juni 2011

TuneUP 2011 + key with username 100% free

Laptop/Pc xan bermasalah ? hohohoho punya salah satu  solusi yang wajib software nya xan apaan seh ? (tenang aja, sabar donk brow jangan terburu-buru ntar  kpeleset lhoooo heee) ok,software tersebut bernama TuneUp Utilietis 2011

Jadi dengan software tuneup2011  ini xan bisa mengontrol/memeriksa n memperbaiki apa saja yang sedang mengalami masalah di dalam komputer itu sendiri ..low boleh gw bilang sih software ini bagaikan bengkel/dokter  yang memeriksa, memperbaiki dan menjaga agar komputer berjalan sehat .

disamping itu fitur2nya boleh di bilang sangat lengkap seperti gambar yang tampak di bawah

 Diantaranya :
- Instal Uninstal Program
- Perbaikan Registry
- Perbaikan Windows
- Perbaikan Hardisk
- Menambah Disk Space
- Dan masih sangat banyak yang lainya.salah satunya seperti Turbo Mode

Gimana ? ,Penasaran ? silahkan sedot aja software nya
- TuneUp Utilietis 2011 + key with Username " DOWNLOAD "

Salam Bloger

Sabtu, 25 Juni 2011

Secondhand serenade lyrics + mp3

Bagi yang suka dengan lagu2 nya Secondhand Serenade,gw kasih niy mp3 + lyiric nya 1000% gratis getoh...baek kan gw wkwkwkwkww..OK langsung aja deh menuju TKP...chekidooot !!!!!!!!!!!

                                       A Twist in my story Album

- Sedot mp3 nya  A Twist In My Story

    Slow down, the world isn't watching us break down It's safe to say we are alone now, we're alone now Not a whisper, the only noise is the receiver I'm counting the seconds until you break the silence So please just break the silence The whispers turn to shouting The shouting turns to tears Your tears turn into laughter And it takes away our fears So you see, this world doesn't matter to me I'll give up all I had just to breathe The same air as you till the day that I die I can't take my eyes off of you And I'm longing, for words to describe how I'm feeling I'm feeling inspired My world just flip turned upside down It turns around, say what's that sound It's my heart beat, it's getting much louder My heart beat, is stronger than ever I'm feeling so alive, I'm feeling so alive My whispers turn to shouting The shouting turns to tears Your tears turn into laughter And it takes away our fears So you see, this world doesn't matter to me I'll give up all I had just to breathe The same air as you till the day that I die I can't take my eyes off of you I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story It's time I open up, and let your love right through me I'm finally waking up, a twist in my story It's time I open up, and let your love right through me That's what you get When you see your life in someone else's eyes That's what you get, that's what you get So you see, this world doesn't matter to me I'll give up all I had just to breathe The same air as you till the day that I die I can't take my eyes off of you This world doesn't matter to me I'll give up all I had just to breathe The same air as you till the day that I die I can't take my eyes off of you    

- Sedot mp3 nya  Your Call

     Waiting for your call, I'm sick, call I'm angry Call I'm desperate for your voice Listening to the song we used to sing In the car, do you remember Butterfly, Early Summer It's playing on repeat, Just like when we would meet Like when we would meet Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight Stripped and pollished, I am new, I am fresh I am feeling so ambitious, you and me, flesh to flesh Cause every breath that you will take When you are sitting next to me Will bring life into my deepest hopes, What's your fantasy? (What's your, what's your...) Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight And I'm tired of being all alone, and this solitary moment makes me want to come back home [X4] (I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have) Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight Cause I was born to tell you I love you And I am torn to do what I have to, to make you mine Stay with me tonight (I know everything you wanted isn't anything you have)

- Sedot mp3 nya Stranger

    Turn Around Turn Around and fix your eye in my direction So there is a connection I can't speak I can't make a sound to somehow capture your attention I'm staring at perfection Take a look at me so you can see How beautiful you are You call me a stranger You say I'm a danger But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight I'm broke and abandoned You are an angel Making all my dreams come true tonight I'm confident But I can't pretend I wasn't terrified to meet you I knew you could see right through me I saw my life flash right before my very eyes And I knew just what we'd turn into I was hopeing that you could see Take a look at me so you can see You call me a stranger You say I'm a danger But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight I'm broke and abandoned You are an angel Making all my dreams come true tonight You are an angel Making all my dreams come true tonight Take a look at me so you can see How beautiful you are [x4] Your beauty seems so far away I'd have to write a thousand songs to make you comprehend how beautiful you are I know that I can't make you stay But I would give my final breathe to make you understand how beautiful you are Understand how beautiful you are You call me a stranger You say I'm a danger But all these thoughts are leaving you tonight I'm broke and abandoned You are an angel Making all my dreams come true tonight You call me a stranger You say I'm a danger You call me a stranger

- Sedot mp3 nya Stay Close.Dont't Go

     I'm staring at the glass in front of me, Is it half empty? Have I ruined all you've given me? I know I've been selfish, I know I've been foolish, But look through that and you will see, That I'll do better. I know, baby I can do better. [Chorus] If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone, Don't tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight, This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies, If you leave me tonight. Sometimes I stare at you while you are sleeping, I listen to your breathing, Amazed how I somehow managed to, Sweep you off of your feet girl, Your perfect little feet girl, I took for granted what you do, But I'll do better. I know, baby I can do better. [Chorus] If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone, Don't tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight, This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies, If you leave me tonight. And don't you know, My heart is pumping, Oh, it's putting up the fight. And I've got this feeling, That everything's alright. Don't you see? I'm not the only one for you, But you're the only one for me. If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone. [Chorus] If you leave me tonight, I'll wake up alone, Don't tell me I will make it on my own. Don't leave me tonight, This heart of stone will sink 'til it dies, If you leave me tonight. Don't leave me tonight.

- Sedot mp3 nya  Goodbye

    It's a shame that it had to be this way It's not enough to say I'm sorry It's not enough to say I'm sorry Maybe I'm to blame Or maybe were the same But either way I can't breathe Either way I can't breathe All I had to say is goodbye Were better off this way Were better off this way I'm alive but I'm losing all my drive Cause everything we've been through And everything about you Seemed to be a lie A guiltless twisted lie It made me learn to hate you Or hate myself for letting it pass by All I had to say is goodbye Were better off this way Were better off this way All I had to say is goodbye Were better off this way Were better off this way And every, everything isn't only What it seemed so hold these Words that you never told me Its time to say goodbye Its time to say goodbye Its time to say goodbye Goodbye Bye Take my hand away Spell it out Tell me I was wrong Tell me I was wrong Take my hand away Spell it out Tell me I was wrong Tell me I was wrong Take my hand away Spell it out Tell me I was wrong Tell me I was wrong  

- Sedot mp3 nya Like A Knife

    I dream a lot, I know you say I've got to get away. "The world is not yours for the taking" Is all you ever say. I know I'm not the best for you, But promise that you'll stay. Cause if I watch you go, You'll see me wasting, you'll see me wasting away Cause today, you walked out of my life Cause today, your words felt like a knife I'm not living this life. Goodbyes are meant for lonely people standing in the rain And no matter where I go it's always pouring all the same. These streets are filled with memories Both perfect and in pain And all I wanna do is love you But I'm the only one to blame. Cause today, you walked out of my life Cause today, your words felt like a knife I'm not living this life. But what do I know, if you're leaving All you did was stop the bleeding. But these scars will stay forever, These scars will stay forever And these words they have no meaning If we cannot find the feeling That we held on to together Try your hardest to remember Stay with me, Or watch me bleed, I need you just to breathe. Cause today, you walked out of my life (Stay with me, or watch me bleed) Cause today, your words felt like a knife (I need you just to breathe.) I'm not living this life  

-  Sedot mp3 nya Maybe

    Didn't you want to hear The sound of all the places we could go Do you fear The expressions on the faces we don't know It's a cold hard road when you wake up And I don't think that I Have the strength to let you go Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place There goes my ring It might as well have been shattered And I'm here to sing About the things that mattered About the things that made us feel alive for oh so long About the things that kept you on my side when I was wrong Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place And someday, I promise I'll be gone And someday, I might even sing this song To you, I might even sing this song, to you And I was crying alone tonight And I was wasting all of my life just thinking of you So just come back we'll make it better So Just come back I'll make it Better than it ever was [x2] Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place Maybe it's just me, Couldn't you believe That everything I said and did, wasn't just deceiving And the tear in your eye, and your calm hard face Makes me wish that I was never brought into this place (I want it all, Don't leave right now) (I'll give you everything)  

- Sedot mp3 nya Why 

     The buttons on my phone are worn thin I don't think that I knew the chaos I was getting in. But I've broken all my promises to you I've broken all my promises to you. Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this so easily? You make it hard to smile because You make it hard to breathe Why do you do this to me? A phrasing that's a single tear, Is harder than I ever feared And you were left feeling so alone. Because these days aren't easy Like they have been once before These days aren't easy anymore. Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this so easily? You make it hard to smile because You make it hard to breathe Why do you do this to me? To me, to me, to me. I should have known this wasn't real And fought it off and fought to feel What matters most? Everything That you feel while listening to every word that I sing. I promise you I will bring you home I will bring you home. Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this so easily? You make it hard to smile because You make it hard to breathe Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this to me? Why do you do this so easily? You make it hard to smile because You make it hard to breathe Why do you do this to me? To me, to me, to me.   

- Sedot mp3 nya Fall For You

     The best thing about tonight's that we're not fighting Could it be that we have been this way before I know you don't think that I am trying I know you're wearing thin down to the core But hold your breath Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find You're impossible to find This is not what I intended I always swore to you I'd never fall apart You always thought that I was stronger I may have failed But I have loved you from the start Oh But hold your breath Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find It's impossible So breathe in so deep Breathe me in I'm yours to keep And hold onto your words Cause talk is cheap And remember me tonight When your asleep Because tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find Tonight will be the night that I will fall for you Over again Don't make me change my mind Or I wont live to see another day I swear it's true Because a girl like you is impossible to find You're impossible to find

- Sedot mp3 nya  Prettend

    It seems all of these words couldn't be further from the truth How did I get here? What did I do? Your eyes, telling me lies And making me find myself While you have your agenda, a life to pursue So please, Let me be free from you. And please, let me be free I can face the truth. I'm blind to all of your colors That used to be rainbow then My eyes, where did they go to? Why disappear? It's hard to be all alone I never got through your disguise I guess I'll just go, and face all my fear So please, Let me be free from you And please, let me be free I can face the truth. Put down your world Just for one night Pick me again So please, Let me be free from you And please, let me be free I can face the truth  

- Sedot mp3 nya Suppose

     Suppose that I missed you Suppose that I care And suppose that spent all my nights running scared And suppose That I was never there And my eyes are screaming for a sight of you And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through And I can't hold on to you So I guess I'll be lonely too Suppose we were happy Suppose it was true And suppose there were cold nights But we somehow made it through And suppose that I'm nothing without you My eyes I'm screaming for a sight of you And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through And I can't hold on to you So I guess I'll be lonely too Slow way down This break down's eating me alive And I'm tired This fight is fighting to survive Tell me a secret (I want it) Tell me a story (I need it) I'll listen intensively I'll stay awake all night All of me is a whisper (So don't leave) There's nothing left in me (Please help me) Not even my body is strong enough to fight (Let's make this right) Please help me make this right Suppose that I was wrong Suppose you were here And suppose that I reached out and caught your tears And suppose this fight just disappeared And my eyes are screaming for a sight of you And tonight I'm dreaming of all the things that we've been through And I can't hold on to you So I guess I'll be lonely too But I'd rather be here with you